My Services & Packages.
Where do you want to be in life?
✓ Career Transitions ✓ Personal Coaching ✓ Skill Development ✓ Executive Counselling
We've put together the below packages to take your career to the next level.
Power Up Your Leadership.
Are you stuck in middle management looking through the windows at the top seats wondering how you can be seen as a top contender? Feeling overworked, undervalued and overlooked? Wonder how to break into the “boys club” and move up? I have successfully walked the path to executive table myself and I have a proven record of accomplishment in developing strong and respected leaders with over 25-years of Human Resources experience.
Many of these leaders are now at the table and some are leading the team conversation, and you can too. Learn to overcome the imposter syndrome.

What can you expect from me through 1-1 Personal Coaching?
- Focus on building your personal confidence and creating a strong personal brand identity.
- Identifying mental barriers like the Imposter Syndrome (or quieting the internal negative voices who whisper, “You can’t”) and learn how to manage the judge permanently.
- Overcome the Imposter Syndrome in 6 months.
- We will demystify the executive table, know what they want and don’t undervalue your leadership skills.
- Get promoted or be ready to be when we conclude.
- Embrace the realities of being a confident women with strong abilities.
- With hard work you will be that strong contender, grow your capacity and stand out so that you are noticed and take on bigger leadership roles.
What they say about my Power Up Your Leadership Package:
6 months, 13 one-hour virtual sessions; USD $3500.00
Interview Confidence Builder.
Are you seeking a new role and know your interview skills are rusty or outdated? Or is that interview around the corner and you want to ‘nail it’ to get the offer? Suffering from that nasty Imposter Syndrome so why apply, why interview because you don’t think you are ready? Or just feeling like you are rusty or have no idea to share the value you can give to this new role?
Let’s collaborate to break down the interview into bite-sizes and conquer it one morsel at a time so that you’re ready for every part of the interview.
With my experience in Human Resources I have hired over 1143 managers and coached more than 100 for their big day, this knowledge will help you understand the top 4-5 things needed to prepare the night before the big interview, to act and be more confident.
Seeking to become the Director, “Practicing (working) with Janette on my weakness and talking about it was very helpful as my next interview was better far and away.” Asst. Director of Engineering.
- Dramatically improve your interviewing skills and walk away confident.
- Master the internal voices that derail you in order to present yourself as the one to beat.
- Together we will create a plan for your interviews,
- Struggling with a gap due to COVID? Learn how to confidently bridge the gap during your interview,
- Apply only for jobs you really want and ensure every job interview is part of your long term career plan, versus prepping for those you have no interest in obtaining.

What can you expect from me through 1-1 Personal Coaching?
- 6 hours of concentrated coaching on your interview skills ensuring you walk in or ZOOM in with poise and assurance.
- Build your overall confidence so that you present your best self.
- Learn to present your experiences and achievements with assertion and faith in yourself.
- Gain clarity on what your needs are so that you follow your career plan, or if you don’t have one, create one.
- Be confident and ready to interview at a moment’s notice.
What they say about my Interview Confidence Builder Package:
USD $1150 – a total of 6 virtual hours of focus on YOU and landing your desired position.